Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I finally have definite proof that the stress of dieting is what is keeping me back from actually losing weight.  In order to have scientific proof you must conduct an experiment that has a repeatable and verifiable outcome.  Now I have it.

For the last 5 days I have been so busy that I have not had time to think about my weight.  I haven't weighed myself since about last Wednesday.  Since then I have been doing what I usually try to do when I am busy, just eat foods to keep my blood sugar level.  What that breaks down to is that I eat a lot of protein, fat, and veggies.  Again I didn't stress about what I ate, I just went by how I felt.  There were a few occasions where I did eat a gluten free cookies (this time of year there are wonderful gluten free baked goods in the stores for Passover -my favorite gluten free holiday.  Kosher, gluten free baked goods taste the best!)  I was careful about how many I ate but not because of calories.  Only out of my concern to not have a blood sugar dip.  Again, I let how my body was feeling dictate what and how much I ate.

It dawned on me this morning that I had gone several days without weighing myself and I was terrified.   But, to my surprise and delight my weight was 5lbs. down.  This is the third occasion in the last two years where this has happened to me.  I forget about my weight (what I am eating, how much I am eating, how much I am exercising, etc) due to being busy and the weight seems to just take care of itself.  Finally, proof.

So going forward, I am now going to totally forget about my weight and keep going.


  1. Hi,

    Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

    Thanks and have a great day!

  2. Emily, leave a link to your site in the comment section (here). I'll read it and see if it is a good fit. thanks.
    300lbs dragon
