Saturday, May 12, 2012

something cool

Well, I surprised the heck out of myself today.  And, if I had the ability to talk some smack I would (but I am really very bad at smack talk). I did Turbo Jams today.  I have had that DVD for like 5 years and could never do it.  I always felt too out of shape and would stop half way though.  Today I did the first workout and then did the standing ab routine as well! 

The only reason I can do it now is because the Slimpod is helping me to get over my negative, limiting thoughts.  Without that negative voice in my brain constantly telling me I suck, I can accomplish remarkable things.  Yes, I am feeling pretty happy right about now.  Hope you are having a great day too!!!

And, now as a reward to myself here is my favorite running song from when I used to be a runner in college.  Enjoy!

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