Friday, October 5, 2012


This week hasn't been a normal week for me.  There were some stressful things that happened that had to be addressed in our family.

As I mentioned previously, last week I finished a T-Tapp boot camp.  I got some great results from it.  But, I really was hoping for more.  So, I decided to order the full workout (I have only been doing the basic workout so far).  When I get it next week I will start another boot camp.  My big goal is to drop two jean sizes by Thanksgiving. According to the ladies at the T-Tapp main office, if I do that boot camp and eat right, I really could get there by Nov. 22.

I am hoping in the next week to get back into the swing of going to Monday night Tai-Chi and get that boot camp going.  Have a great weekend!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

always something....

I was going to try to go to tai chi night at karate today but we have a family emergency going on today........