Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday-day at the hospital

Just got back from spending the day with my father at the hospital.  Glad he is OK now.  Found out today that he has been a diabetic for a year (and he never freaking told me).  Also, found out just about everyone else on that side of my family is diabetic (again, never knew that before).  My father, all of his siblings, his mother, all of his aunts......... 
I have a lot to think about and do.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Slightly frustrated at the moment.  The antibiotic I've been taking all week contained gluten.  So, I am now fairly ill.  It took me a few days to confirm my suspicions.  Pharmacists are basically useless on this issue.  So are doctors.  I am very grateful that I have good intuition and strong research skills.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Science of Exercise

Today I turn 42.

So, I have been writing this blog for a year now.  I haven't made much progress regarding weight loss but I have learned a lot about my body over the last year. 

While I was out today, I listened to a great radio program on NPR.  The topic was "The Science of Exercise" (if you click the link you can listen to the podcast).  One of the people who was interviewed during this show was the NY Times "Phys Ed" columnist, Gretchen Reynolds.  She just published a book called “The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can: Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer,”   She talked a lot about HIT training .  The program was very detailed and interesting and there is no way I can do it justice, just take a listen for yourself.

The show confirmed for me a conclusion that I have come to on my own.  I am no longer going to focus on food.  Instead, I am going to focus on exercise my goal.  Primarily, I will be doing this by doing Les Mills Pump.  But, that is not the only way I want to get exercise into my life.  Doing kata daily is also an important focus for me.  But, really any way I can get exercise and movement into my day is going to be my main focus.  Also, I want to exercise at least 5 days a week.

There are some interesting side effects this new focus seems to have on me.  First of all, my attitude is better. I feel happier.  Getting your workout in is a more positive goal for me than over thinking everything that goes in my mouth.  Secondly, I feel better when I exercise daily.  Thirdly, I eat better and less, without trying.  Since I started doing this (gradually for the last week) I have lost 5lbs. without thinking about it.

Now I know that losing weight is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise.  But, psychologically focusing on my diet makes me 100% crazy.  So, it is not worth it to me.  Instead, let me focus on exercise and let everything else fall into place all by itself.

Going forward with this blog I will be blogging about my workouts.  It will be used as a tool to help me get my five workouts a week into my schedule.

Happy Birthday to me.

Les Mills Pump

Today will be my second workout using Les Mills Pump.  I started on Monday.  They provide a workout schedule that I am trying to follow.  My husband started last week and so far he is doing really well with it. 

I really enjoyed the workout.  It is flexible enough to accommodate anyone at any fitness level.  I really enjoy weight lifting so this was a natural fit for me.  But, it is also quite aerobic which was surprising.

Les Mills Pump is part of the Beach Body line of products.  Beach Body of course has a great reputation for their other workouts like P90X and Insanity.  I have to say, Les Mills Pump, is a really well put together program.  I love everything about it!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Study finds diets make you fatter

This article reports on a new study that show that dieting only seems to make you fatter.  This is the wall I come up against time and time again.  While the article does not offer any solutions, I truly believe that adopting a healthy diet, exercise, and eating when hungry/stopping when full is the solution to all of this diet nonsense.  Hope this helps someone to feel a little less frustrated.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

better but not quite

So I am currently on:
  • one steroid shot to last for 4 weeks
  • Zyrtec-D 2x's daily
  • Singulair 1x's daily
  • antibiotic
  • Nasal spray 3x's daily
  • 2 different inhalers

I feel much better but I am still am having some issues breathing.  Since the pollen count is so high in our area (especially our block infested with Oak, which I am deathly allergic to) due to dry weather, the doctor basically said I won't feel great until we get a ton of rain.  Rain washes the pollen out of the air and reduces the pollen count.  We have gotten some showers over the last 24 hours but according to it hasn't been enough to improve the situation.  Our area is suppose to get a soaking rain on Sunday which is the answer to my prayers.  So until the Oak tassels fall to the ground and get washed away I am stuck in the house with the air conditioner on. 

My husband has started Les Mills Pump.  So far he likes it.  He keeps telling me how sore he is so it must be working.  Hoping that Monday will be my start date.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Les Mills Pump

Today was going to be my first day doing Les Mills Pump.  Instead, I am going to the doctors because I bronchitis.  Unreal....

Update-Not bronchitis.  Sinus infection and asthma.  The doctor gave me antibiotics for the sinus infection and an inhaler for the asthma.  Additionally, because my allergies are so bad he gave me this new shot.  It is for allergies and it lasts about 4 weeks.  He assured me that within 24 hours it will be like my allergies are completely gone.  I didn't catch the name of it.  It is called depro-something.  If it really works, it will save my life.  Potentially, I could be back to exercise on Wednesday. 

Friday, April 13, 2012


It has been brought to my attention that what I was trying to express in my post to my Sensei was found offensive.  For this I am deeply sorry to the person whom I've offended.  Because of this I have taken this blog post down.  I truly believe what I was trying to express was taken incorrectly and offense was found where none was trying to be expressed.

Again, I am sorry.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Enter to win Tai Cheng!/taichengworkout?sk=app_95936962634

The above link will take you to a contest to win Tai Cheng.  You have to write a short essay to explain why you deserve to win it.  The essay must be 150 words or less.  There will be several winners.  I have entered and I think you should as well.  Good luck!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

it arrives tomorrow

Very excited because I just found out that our Beach Body package, containing Les Mills Pump, will arrive tomorrow.  Since Fed Ex usually delivers to our house around 5p.m. that means I can really start working out on Wednesday.  Really excited about this!  My husband and I have both decided that we are going to start making some major changes in our lives.  Hopefully, this will be the start of all of this!  Wish us luck!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Less Mills Pump

Our car inspection came back without having to spend a fortune so I was able to order Les Mills Pump from Beachbody today.  It should be here in 5-7 days....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Weight lifting

As I posted before, I am really looking into finding a weight lifting program.  I've done about a weeks worth of research and have come up with a program.  It is a Beachbody program called "Les Mills Pump"

The program only uses low weights (5 and 10lbs. weights) and a lot of reps.  It doesn't so much build muscle as lengthen muscle and burn fat.  One of the things I really like about this program is that it is broken into three different phases that correspond to different goals.  The first phase uses shorter workout for weight loss.  From my kettlebell days, I learned that for me to lose weight the workouts have to be short but intense.  So, I am hoping the Pump workout for weight loss will actually work for me.

After doing all my research and presenting it to my husband, I think I have gotten him excited to use the program as well.  Now all we have to do is save up the $200.00 for the program.  Yup, that is pretty expensive but you get a lot for your money.  You get a whole DVD set and weights. 

Hoping to order it towards the end of the month (God willing no huge bills occur between now and then).  Will let you all know when I order it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012

Sorry I've not been around so much lately.  I am working on my kata and weapons at home. I am also doing a weight lifting routine that my husband set up for me.  Right now I am sucked into a writing project and that is my primary focus.  Hope to come up for air sometime soon.