Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!!  May this year bring you Love, Joy, Happiness, Wealth, Wellness, Health, and anything else you want!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weigh in

I weighed myself today.  I am down 4lbs.  Thank you Slimpods!!!

Technically here is what happened.  The first week my weight went up 2lbs.  Since then (even with Christmas) I am down 4lbs. over all.

I am feeling really good about things.  We will see if I get to my goal of 14lbs by Jan. 24, 2012

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day after Christmas/Boxing Day

Thankfully, it is the day AFTER Christmas and life can get back to normal.  I really didn't over eat at all yesterday but I did have some gluten free goodies.  Not too many goodies at all (thank you Slimpods) but now I am feeling sick as a dog for having eaten grains.  I feel like I have a hang over.

I hope you all had a great holiday yesterday and had a lot of fun!

But, now it is time to get back to my goals.  Today one of the our friends, Joe, from the dojo is coming over to run kata with us.  I am looking forward to this because I am hoping some exercise will help me to feel better.  I also want to get my diet back on track to being really healthy again.  We have one last family event coming up for New Years Day but hopefully I can avoid eating junk that day.  It is less expected by people to eat not so healthy food that day as there is on Christmas.

So, like I said time to get back to my goals.  Hope you are getting back to yours!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Just wanted to wish everyone who comes here a Merry Christmas.  All of your support and love has been so wonderful since I started on this journey.  I appreciate all of your comments and well wishes.  Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy yourselves!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

karate stuff

I've been working a lot this week on a kata called Seisan. Hopefully, I have made progress.  I am feeling better about it but we will see.  This week was the first week in a long time that I have felt good about my progress.  It was really exciting.
Can't wait to be in the dojo on Saturday morning.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

weigh in

Ok, here is the truth. I couldn't resist and I weighed myself yesterday.  I am up 2lbs.
This really confussed me because have been eating so much less.  I am really not kidding, I am seriously eating half of what I used to eat.  So, I started thinking about why my weight would have gone up.  I really do believe the MP3 is working for me.  My attitude is very positive and my ability to eat less/exercise more has really increased.  But, I realized that since Sunday what I have been eating hasn't been as healthy as it could be.  I have to accept the fact that even if I am eating very small portions I still can't eat certain foods often.  Milk products are the major culprit for me.  My cheese intake dramatically increased since Sunday.  And, actually, if I am honest with myself I don't feel the best from it.  Don't get me wrong, a slice of cheese or some cream in my coffee won't hurt me but I can't do both in one day.  Again, if I am honest with myself, I was eating more dairy products than  the example I just gave.  So, now I am just going to aim to do better and see what the scale says next week.  I am determined to keep going with the MP3 for the full 42 days (until around Jan.  24).  Wish me luck!

Saw a girlfriend today whom I haven't seen in two weeks.  I had on the exact same outfit that she last saw me in.  She asked if I had lost 20lbs. because I look smaller then when she last saw me.  She wasn't kidding, I checked-lol.  My husband also commented that my body looked smaller to him last night.  And, my jeans are a little baggy.  These are new jeans I bought about a month ago so I wouldn't have expected them to be at all baggy.  While my weight is not reflecting a change on the scale, it seems my body is changing for the better.  Tonight I am going to measure myself so I can track those changes.  Not depending on the scale for positive feed back would be a good thing!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dec. 20, 2011

I don't have a ton to write about but the little I do have is good.
The MP3 from seems to really be making the difference.  I have consistently been eating half of what I used to since I started listening last Thursday.  I won't weigh myself until this Thursday (they recommended only weighing yourself once a week) so I don't have any number to report.  But, I am noticing how different my attitude is about eating less.  I literally look for ways to eat less now.
 Also, I am exercising all of the time, mostly just walking and practising my karate stuff.  The difference is that I really want to get out and walk every day.  Before it just seemed like something on my "to-do" list.  Now it feels like a treat.  I've also been spending a lot of time trying to master a sumo stance in karate.  I feel kinda dumb doing it but I spend a lot of time walking around the living room in sumo and then transitioning into a "hip shift".  I guess what I am trying to say is that I am just a lot more active since I started listening to the MP3 and I am grateful.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dec. 17, 2011

7 a.m.-Best way that I can think of to celebrate our 12th anniversary is to spend it in the dojo!  Looking forward to working through Seisan.  Hope to see some friends there as well!

4:19 p.m.-I had a good day at the dojo today.  Sensei was really helpful to me and I feel like I am on the correct path for improving.  Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of work to do.  My legs are not very strong at the moment and that is holding me back in almost every aspect of karate.  So, now I need to walk around the house in sumo stance as often as possible, as well as, break out my kettlebells in order to help leg strength.  But, at least now I see a way forward.

I am also noticing that the MP3 is helping my attitude even with karate.  I find myself not getting nearly so frustrated.  Instead I just feel the desire to keep working hard until I get to my goal.  Just that would be a huge help in my life.  But, I am also hoping it helps me get the weight off as well. On that note, this is day three of eating half of everything on my plate.  I find that totally amazing and am praying it continues!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

The hypnosis MP3 from Thinking Slimmer seems to be working well.  I barely ate anything yesterday and my time and energy was put towards improving my kata instead of obsessing over dieting.  In fact, I feel so focused on my karate and improving my kata that I had nightmares about it last night.

My husband has been trying to help me improve one particular kata called "Seisan".  Yesterday I thought I had started really correcting the things that Sensei had asked me to improve.  But, in my dream I messed it up over and over again.  Guess I know what I will be working on today.  Is it normal to have performance anxiety over karate?

Quick update-
This MP3 is doing some major things.  After I wrote the above post I went out for a walk before I ate breakfast.  That is new and different behavior for sure.

My husband and I went out for lunch today to celebrate our 12th anniversary.  I look forward to this lunch all year.  I was ravenous before we went.  I order a cheeseburger (no bun), fries, side of cole slaw and a margarita.  I ate the cheeseburger that had a ton of veggies on it.  But, I only ate half the fries (if that) and half the cole slaw.  That is a big deal for be because growing up at my house we were all members of the "clean plate club" and I feel guilty wasting food.  Being able to leave any food on my plate is a huge accomplishment for me.  I didn't "waste" the burger because it may take a while to shake the "don't waste meat" programming.  And, of course I didn't waste the margarita.  I have one drink a year and this is it.  My husband noticed how slowly I was eating vs. my normal rate.  And, the feeling of fullness hit me like a ton of bricks.  Normally I can't feel when I am full.  I have spent years working the Paul Mckenna "I can't make you thin" program trying to figure out what full feels like (not to put Mr. McKenna's work down in anyway. It just hasn't really worked for me).  For some reason, the Thinking Slimmer Thinpod programming seems to be working differently than any other hypnosis program I have ever tried.  I felt full in a way I have never felt it before and there was no mistaking this for full.  Hopefully, this will all continue.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thinking Slimmer Weight Loss Page on Facebook

This is just a very brief posting.  Today I was able to download the MP3's from the hypnosis company I have been talking about the last few days.  As soon as I am done writing this post I am going to listen to the download for the first time.  So far, dealing with this company has been great.  Their website is full of great information and is very easy to navigate.  And, the people there have been wonderful (I even had a problem with email yesterday that they patiently went through with me).

You can download a FREE "getting through the holiday without gaining weight" MP3 for yourself.  All you have to do is "like" their Facebook page (search for Thinking Slimmer Weight Loss Page) and then find the link (it is in a post from 24 hours ago) to get your free download.  I hope you take advantage of this opportunity!!!

I am now off to listen to my "drop two jean sizes or more" MP3.  Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thinking Slimmer Slimpods

I just had a wonderful  conversation with the people at Thinking Slimmer Slimpods.  They are kind enough to allow me to try their product.  I will let you know when I receive the "slimpod" (audio program) and I will be using it for several weeks if not months.  It sounds like exactly what I have been hoping and praying for so wish me luck!!!  I am very excited to try this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weight Watchers and hypnosis

OK, truth time, I am not doing so great with Weight Watchers.  There is something about tracking points that freaks me out.  I have no idea why.  I've been trying to intuitively eat more than count points and it has been going OK.

Yesterday I read a really interesting article about a new line of hypnosis CDs from the UK that seem to be really working for people over there.

I reached out to the company last night to see if I could preview the program for the U.S. market.  I got an email back this morning and we are going to discuss it.  Hopefully I will soon be able to tell you all about it.  I truly believe that weight issues are all in your head.  Somehow you get bad programming in your brain that you need to reprogram.  These CDs seem to have a great track record in the U.K. for helping people overcome these issues.  And, apparently, the on-line store can handle U.S. currency.  The CD/Downloads would cost about $35.00.  Not a bad price!  So, I will let you all know what happens.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Totally frustrated

So, my dear husband dutifully spent the weekend trying to fix the treadmill.  While it works fine for him, when I get on it the treadmill just stop working all together.  It is rated for my weight class but for whatever reason, it just decided it doesn't like me.  I am super frustrated and not sure what to do at this point.  My husband says he is OK with getting a new treadmill but that seems like a waste of money if he is still able to use it.  I am really, really, really frustrated.................

On another note-to any of my karate friends who didn't get the message
Limerick Bowl   Friday night, Dec. 16 @ 7pm

Yes, Sensei, that means you are invited too!! :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

karate stuff

One of my good karate friends from years ago, Ann, was just walking her dog past my house.  I ran out to talk with her.  This is the second time I've run into her in two months. I told her about how we are all starting to get back to karate and now I think I have her going back to the dojo as well.  Yay!!

My hubby and I are planning on having everyone from the dojo over to our house a week or two after Christmas (we ordered a new sofa in November and are just waiting for it to be delivered.  It is suppose to show up the week of Dec. 27th.  Once that shows up we will finally have enough seating to have people over).  Hopefully we can all get together and have some good karate chat.

I am just so excited that everyone is starting to come back and train again.  It is great for mind, body, and soul.

Quick update on my week- It has been going poorly.  I have had a small set back regarding my surgery and my husband had a medical procedure done this week as well.  Hoping to get past all this crap and get back to working out soon!  On the upside, my husband has promised to try to fix the treadmill this weekend:)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A good video to watch

This is Dr. Singh.  He is no one famous.  But, he is an OB/GYN (so a board certified doctor) who decided to give some health lectures to his patients since he couldn't really give his patients the proper time during his regular appointments.  This lecture is specifically on weight loss.  Part 3 is where he details his plan. It is really simple and straight forward.  And, when I was a teenager this is how I lost my weight and kept it off for over 10 years (till my parents epic divorce and I started emotionally eating).  This is also how I have lost weight since my operation two weeks ago.  While it can be slow going in certain parts I think viewing all eight sections is worth it because you get a real feel for what the man is explaining. I hope this helps someone out there!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Please help...

If you are someone who personally knows my husband and myself, I have a favor to ask.  Next time you see him please encourage him to fix the treadmill.  Sometimes he needs a few people to remind him until things get done.  I don't blame him for not wanting to fix it but momma needs to get her butt on the treadmill!!!  Thanks!

Monday, Dec. 5, 2011

I was quiet all weekend because I experienced something on Saturday that I had to really think about.  I am having some major frustrations getting better at my karate.  It is a long story and I won't bore you with the details but it was one of those moments in which one starts to think ....I am 41 yrs. old and  I am morbidly obese.  What makes me think that I could ever become a black belt?  I should just give up now.

But, even though the odds are totally against me I am going to keep trying and working anyway.  So, today I am back to the grind. I am going to come up with a work out schedule and post it here.  Right now, working out and practising karate is more important than pretty much everything else.

On the weight loss front something really crazy is happening.  My weight is going down at a rate of about a pound every other day. It is so crazy.  I have no idea how it is happening.  And, I am not posting my weight loss amount yet because I don't want to jinx anything.  I can really only attribute my current success to two things:

1)  I am NOT focused on losing weight at all.  So, I am feeling zero stress.  The level of stress I normally feel over weight loss is crushing so maybe that has a biochemical effect that stalls out weight loss?
2)  Since my operation the only thing I really have wanted was ice water.  I am probably drinking 10-12 glasses of ice cold water every day.  It seems to make me so much less hungry and hydrates me.  It seems to be a miracle cure.  So, if you are having trouble losing weight give this a try.  It is free and it works.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dec. 2, 2011

Took a day off the diet.  Saw my sinus doctor today and did something totally unspeakable to my sinus that involved a vacuum.  All I can say is that some 12 hours later I am still  totally freaked out.  So, I just ate whatever I felt like today.  Not saying I blew it.  I just couldn't be bothered with much other than trying to block out the memory of my doctor's visit.  So, there you go.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dojo Alert

For anyone who cares, we are trying very hard to get to the dojo this Saturday.  Might be a few minutes late as we will be coming back from Allentown (helping dad out) but we will try to be there.